Browse Listings in Puzzle Locks

6 listings found. Showing results 1 to 6
T9 Popplock by Rainer Popp

Rainer Popp's description "T9 is an elaborate trick lock with many steps to open. It has a key, and is made from brass and s...

Puzzlesven (12 )

0 bids  

Loki by Puzzlocks

Due to financial reasons this year I am having to solve and sell a lot more puzzles."A sequential discovery puzzle lock. He is the god of mischief, mayhem, and disor...

pyrojr23 (21 )

0 bids  

Ant Hunt (Boaz Feldman) - IPP 41

This lock was Boaz Feldman's IPP 41 exchange, and was also in the Design Competition.The goal is to open the lock and find the ant.Shipping: £7 in the UK; £20 in the EU...

Arsenal (96 )

2 bids  

PoopLock P1 by Reindeer Poop (aka Mickael From Beats and Pieces)

The puzzle is pretty challenging with some unique mechanisms and great aha moments along the way! Definitely one of the harder puzzles I've solved lately; puzzle is in e...

chuck_stones (64 )

2 bids  

Haleslock 5, "Firestarter"

Haleslock 5 by Shane Hales. A sequential discovery puzzle that is regarded as Shane's best lock. In pristine condition.·         Payment can be made through Pay...

Trapper_1 (40 )


Funlock by Dan Feldman

Solved once. Great Condition.Free Shipping within th U.S. No international Shipping.

Alireza (27 )