CSGO is a Grooved Board Burr created by Kris Antibus and fabricated by Maurice Vigouroux.
It is a 59 (30. 10. 12. 4. 3) burr that was created over the course of a year.
Juno's GBBs inspired Kris to make a design that was a higher than normal level GBB and 100% fun.
Kris then took the design to Alfons Eyckmans, Derek Bosch, Jerry McFarland, Maurice Vigouroux, and Stephane Chomine to see if it could be made more fun. They all have given their stamp of approval.
This burr has crazy moves and stays completely stable because of the design and build of it.
Many overlaps and full extensions during the solve and a hidden, yet quite unusual feature, are sure to keep you interested as you untangle this orbital space station, in your mind.
This is Maurice's first GBB build and he has made several advancements in his process during our project together.
Made with Wenge, Paduak, and Zebrano, with dowels for strengthening.
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