ID: 106963
UGears Treasure Box - Assembled
- Closed
4 watching
Seller Info
LokIKross (285 )
- Item Location
- United States
- Registered Since
- 16.08.2020 11:13:56
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If you wanted to check out the clever mechanism in the UGears Treasure Box but did not feel like spending 4 hours building it, or spoiling the solution; this is the box for you. Inspired by SteamPunk stylings.
Priority US 14$
International 20$
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SCION V2 #84/150
Scion of the Tesseract (2025 Version) with Black Weave & Cherry Red InsidesA 26-Step Sequential Discovery (SD) Puzzle Box Inspired by Juno and Jerry McFarlandRankings...
LokIKross (285 )
1 day, 3h 07m 38s