Karakuri catalogs of works. Main catalog and 6 supplements.
Main catalog is
"Karakuri Kaku Box" which recorded works until 2007.
book was integrated and re-edited the works from 2008 to 2017.
700 works from 1999 to 2017 are included. About 120 pages on heavy
The five
supplements are from 2018,2019,2020,2021,2022,2023. Each is about
7-10 pages
42 pages each, magazine style.
The puzzle enthusiast Peter Hajek holds an 'end of the year puzzle party' or EPP every December, from his home in London. Part of the event is a 'show and tell', where everyone has to show the three best puzzles they have come across during the year. This was the third year that the event was held entirely online. As Peter says, this does mean there can be no puzzle trading, eating and drinking, playing with the various puzzles and general socialising. On the other hand, puzzlers from overseas are able to take part via Zoom, rather than just e-mailing in their contribution. This year, 80 puzzlers from 17 countries contributed to the booklet, and 39 people were present on the live Zoom call.
See here for inside of 2022 book https://youtu.be/e0FbgY7nNaY?si=EELyjQl1nZwg0sRp